Expanding Earth Theory
The Expanding Earth Theory is a rival theory to Plate Tectonics. It is not recognised by main-stream science as having any validity and the reaction to it is often accompanied by the sort of ridicule that the Flat Earth Theory invokes. However, if you give the theory a chance, you will see that it appears to logically explain a number of characteristics, historical events, and anomalies that we see today.
Watch the video below to see how this theory explains the moving continents.
Expanding Earth
The Expanding Earth Theory asserts that the movement of continents is caused not by plates slipping due to subduction, rather it is caused by an increase in the volume of Earth. One idea as to a logical cause for an expanding Earth is explained by a natural nuclear reactor in the Earth’s core. This reactor is not only a source of heat, but also magnetism. Fluctuations in the reactor cause the variations in the geomagnetic field which can even cause a reversal of the poles such as what we observe in the sun. Fluctuations also cause varying heat output resulting in the Earth increasing or contracting in volume. This can also cause surface folding and flooding as the water under the Earth is pushed out and water moves to fill in extra space that is created.
Another idea as to the expanding Earth is as simple as understanding that the universe is expanding. For this to work, it would mean that the Earth expands along with the universe, but the continents themselves do not expand, but break apart.
The theory also has the advantage of providing a clear explanation as to gigantism of species that we observe in the fossil record. We know in the past that dinosaurs of immense size once roamed the Earth. But it wasn’t just dinosaurs. It appears that everything including plants and insects were much bigger than they are today. We also know that they could not live in today’s atmosphere and gravity. An increase in Earth volume is said to alter the conditions by which giant species can exist.
For further support for this theory, watch the Growing Earth videos below.
The Growing Earth
The Growing Earth Part 2 of 2
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Hahahahahahahahaha expanding earth.. yeah sure. .. you re gonna have to explain where the hell does the extra matter coming from to make it expand then.. good luck with that !
I don’t hold this theory myself but I agree it is possible, after all the truth is often stranger than fiction. Where does the extra matter come from, well the theory doesn’t require it. Think about stars, they contract and can even expand. And what proof do you have of the Earth always having the same size. I would like to hear that as you obviously have the answer given your opening words.
Your lack of knowledge of basic geology speaks for itself. Don’t compare a star an d a planet, they simply have a VERY VERY VERY different way of being, a star expanding ( which happens at the end of its life btw) is one process. Does that make other planet growing too ??? No it doesn’t, so once again , what is it that u think that makes this very one planet here growing.? ? Because once again, it involves bringin matter out of nothing, which is NOT physically possible, if u have proo f of this though, u sure will get the next Nobel prize. .. or maybe since u sound like u like quantum stuff all fancy pantsy, u wanna start to think that matter – antimatter creation from quantum fluctuations might solve it… but it doesn’t. No stable matter is formed this ways (other than, perhaps, for black hole evaporation, which is not applicable for the earth).
The bottom line is that the lack of a mechanism or evidence for the creation of new matter is a far more significant problem than anything the growing earth theory claims to solve (but actually doesn’t )
I think this theory is busted. I can understand the reasoning of it but I just don’t believe with my understanding of sciences that the natural fluctuations in earth’s magnetic field is the driving force in Earth’s plate tectonics over subduction. I do believe it is feasible that Earth’s magnetic field could effect the flow of electricity though the planet so the magnetic field would definitely have an effect. Thinking of how an MRI works and of how a ground works and of the fact that the batteries in the Mars rover lasted over a year longer than they should had. On the theory about the amount of water under ground lets not forget how much is above ground and with two miles of water on top of water creates a lot of pressure for the water at the bottom to find any path that is available for it. Possibly in areas of plate tectonics.
@ Ben Ploquet Your answer shows ignorance. Let me point out some things that you are not aware of.
1) Theories posted here are not posted because they are believed by the poster, rather they are posted for intelligent scrutiny sake. e.g., I may talk about Parallel Universes even though I do not believe that they exist. but some scientists do believe it.
2) You assume that I said that planets have the same geology as stars, but you couldn’t be further from the truth. What I actually said was that stars can expand and the universe does expand, thus other things may expand too, (do not count them out). If you have proof that a planet can never expand then let’s hear it.
3) You then talk about matter out of nothing. Explain to me the expansion of the universe. Is matter being created for this expansion. You see things can expand despite the lack of extra matter. The solar system is mostly space and atoms are mostly space for want of a better word. The actual stuff like planets and atoms are but a very small part of the whole. And if space is expanding and pushing out the things that we call stuff, then what? And perhaps planets can gain matter too. I would not even put that one off the table.
I don’t expect you to have the answers, but I do expect you to pay attention and to scrutinize the theory at hand, I do not expect you to behold the theory as if it were mine. I am not laying claim to it, so I only ask two things from you.
1) Pay attention to what is actually being said and what the website is about.
2) Grow up.
If you do not like it, then there are other websites where you can act like an all knowing idiot. But please not here.
@ Daryl Kelley If the animation is logical to a changing Earth, then how do you explain the fitting together of the continents. Not just Africa and South America, but everything. Perhaps the animation is just plain wrong. I cannot test it. But if it were correct, then what?
More info on this theory.
More information in this theory.
E != mc2. Einstein theory is very wrong
Ether is matter is mass is energy.
Einstein theory is very wrong and stops us from free energy. Banksters already create free energy machines in mass production for theirselfs.
Neutrinos…from the sun go throughout me, you and everything straight to the core of the earth. This us where the growth comes from. Japanese scientists have recorded this deep within the earth. Expanding earth theory works, it also tells of the ” fossil fuel lie”. As mid ocean ridges separate, oil eternally oozes up. Old capped wells miraculously refill after being depleted long ago. I LOVE expanding earth theory.
Good point Jan. There are things being added to Earth from the universe.