If we can terraform Mars, did someone terraform Earth?
|This video shows how we could terraform Mars to make it a habitable planet for life, even human life. This does raise the question though: “Did someone terraform Earth eons ago?”.
While it may have been beyond our reach in the past to embark on such an ambitious project, it seems we are on the cusp of being able to terraform Mars. Of course there would be much debate about such a mission as some would argue that there may already exist life on Mars that we could destroy in the terraforming process. However, a second Earth like planet for humans could help humanity and other earthly life exist longer as we remove our dependency on a single planet.
The possibility of terraforming a planet does beg the question, “If we can transform a planet that is void of life, then did someone out there in the universe terraform Earth eons ago?”. If so, that would imply we have a creator. The video below talks about sending bio-engineered life forms to Mars to survive and transform its unique environment. Could we then have been bio-engineered by a sophisticated alien species or a creator of some kind?
Debating our origins usually centers around ‘God vs Evolution’ with the latter holding the view that no creator was involved. But the concept of God is the true problem here. Many view a God as a grey-haired old sugar daddy in the sky who is as hard to accept as pink unicorns or fairies. However denouncing a creator of Earth and humanity is a narrow minded decision because a creator could come in any many possible forms. For example, here is part of the biblical description for God creating the Earth. It says, “Now the earth was formless and empty”. So at some point according to the Bible, the Earth already existed and then what could be described as terraforming took place thereafter where different kinds of life were introduced at distinct stages. I am not denying that a God created the universe from nothing as many in the world believe, but that is another debate. Rather I am saying that once the Earth was there (regardless of how it got there), Genesis describes a transformation of an empty planet into one that sustains life.
What do you think? If we can terraform Mars, then did someone terraform Earth? Or did Earth come about by blind evolutionary processes instead?
Terraforming Mars: Turning the Red Planet GreenHere’s how scientists think we could turn Mars into Earth 2.0…
Posted by Futurism on Tuesday, 8 March 2016