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Gravitational Waves discovered

Gravity Waves
After one hundred years of searching, a team of physicists have detected gravitational waves. This amazing discovery not only proves Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity right again, but it means that we now have another way to explore the universe. Traditionally, we explore the universe using powerful telescopes to view light, but now it is possible to explore the universe using gravity waves too.

Gravity WavesGravitational waves were the last major prediction to be proved in Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Now his theory is fully confirmed with the detection of waves that were emitted by a pair of merging black holes about a billion light-years away. More importantly, we can now use these waves to explore the universe in a different way. Think about how much of a breakthrough radio waves or x-rays have been. Now we have a whole new way to look at the Universe and gravity is so fundamental that it is often considered a way to detect even other universes if they exist. But how sound is this discovery? The overwhelming conclusion from this experiment is that gravitational waves must exist to explain the findings. In fact so accurate were the predictions to the results of the experiment, that it is estimated that there is a mere 1 in 6 million chance that the result is a fluke.

These two short videos show what an amazing discovery this really is.

Gravitational waves have been detected

A landmark day for Einstein and our understanding of the universe: the detection of gravitational waves. World Science Festival’s own Brian Greene explains the discovery.

Posted by Albert Einstein on Thursday, 11 February 2016


Einstein was right

LIGO detected gravitational waves! Here’s how it proves Einstein was right!

Posted by Discovery News on Thursday, 11 February 2016

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