Discovering the framework of reality

The Simulation Hypothesis

Is the Universe a real material realm that would still exist if there was no life or consciousness. Or is it digital? Are we living in a virtual world or a real world? Could our reality be a simulation? Could we even tell the difference?

This interesting video debates whether the Simulation Hypothesis or standard Material Universe view best fits today’s accumulated scientific data. Contributions in this video are made by researchers in physics, cosmology, mathematics, and information sciences.

As far back as Ancient Greece, a man by the name of Democratis (the father of materialism) saw the universe as a real material place with real atoms or building blocks. While this may seem beyond question, his view basically leads us to believe that the material universe gave rise to consciousness, thus if there were no life in the universe, the universe would still be there. His opponent was Plato (the father of Idealism) who argued that the universe and everything inside was an abstract mental form. What follows from his world-view is the universe arises from consciousness itself or would not exist if there was no consciousness.

This video seeks to see whose world view is closer to today’s scientific knowledge and data and the answer may be surprising. Without bias, Quantum experiments and data favours one view over the other.

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