Discovering the framework of reality

God of the Universe

Is there really a God?

What caused the universe or multiverse? Does the universe need a God? Can science prove or disprove a God?

The video below looks at the ancient idea that the universe was created by God and challenges that idea. While some scientists say that there is no need for a God to explain the existence of the universe, others disagree because of the need for a prime mover, further they say that you cannot disprove the existence of God. The argument is based on the idea that God would not be contained in his own creation, thus God is outside of our testable reality. In other words looking for an eternal creator using finite tools, will only lead us to finite results within our dimensional construct. Philosophers argue that it’s like a cartoon character inside a TV questioning whether there is really a cartoonist.

Of course whether one believes in God or not, we do know that the universe is a mathematical construct of some kind and is controlled by laws. To some this suggests that God is not needed because the laws and math explain the creation process. But to others, this is the proof that there is a God. Both laws and math may do the actual work, but they themselves are the product of consciousness or a mind. Math and laws do not create themselves and neither would they exist outside of consciousness. In other words, laws need nature and nature needs laws and numbers and laws in themselves can do nothing. They needs something to breathe life into them.

The following video shows both sides of the argument and includes quotes from Atheists such as Hawking to physicists and philosophers who believe in a conscious creator. The video inadvertently leads us to another conclusion as well, i.e., that many theories as to the origin of the universe are created for the sole purpose of disproving God. For example, the Multiverse Theory never gained any meaningful traction until the Cosmological Constant was found to so precise that it was either intentionally configured this way, or there has to exist an almost infinite or infinite amount universes to explain the fine tuning of our one. In other words, we just happened to be the universe that expanded at the exact required rate that would lead to galaxies, stars, planets, and life.

Don’t forget to watch the video in full screen mode.

What We Still Don’t Know: “Are We Real?”

One thing not covered in this video that we need to consider is the fact that we humans perceive physical reality through our five senses. Our senses receive varying wavelengths in the spectrum such as the wavelengths of visible light, sound, heat, and we have physical organs that interpret these waves into varying sensations. While we are able to build machines that use other wavelengths like x-rays, we need to bring them into the part of the spectrum we understand, e.g., x-rays are converted into the visible spectrum for us to see with our eyes because we have no natural organ that can interpret x-rays in their raw state. This means that our understanding of the physical universe is perceived through an extremely narrow set of parameters, i.e., a very tiny part of the almost infinite spectrum, thus it stands to reason that there is much out there that we are not aware of.


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